About Us

About Us

Who We Are

Morichika was formed in 2017 in New Jersey by a group of passionate young people to promote Bengali culture among the rapidly growing Indian community in the tri-state area.

From the handful of members, Morichika has grown significantly to almost 200 participants in recent years.

Morichika was registered as a non-profit organization in 2022.

The core objectives of Morichika are to retain our rich Bengali cultural heritage away from home, celebrate major Bengali festivals and relay the essence of our core values to the
next generation.

Main attraction of Morichika’s cultural events is that it provides a
platform for the young children to showcase their talent in Arts like dance, instrument, recitation and drama.

Every year Morichika organizes and celebrates “Bijoya Sonmiloni”, “Saraswati Puja” and “Summer Picnic” which set up the meeting ground for cultural exchange, create a sense
of bonding and harmony and last but not the least, to relish authentic Bengali food.

Future mission of Morichika is to build a larger and inclusive platform for not only Bengali speaking but also to broader Indian community and make an earnest effort for
the betterment of broader society. We seek your continued patronage and support.

Morichika is also well aware of its social duty. Morichika members regularly raise funds for Morichika Welfare Association to provide nutrition and education to the under-privileged children in rural India.